11 Months Old
Literally, you blink. You blink and that six month old rolling around in the laundry is now tugging at your leg saying "up up up," because he's tired of walking around. In the past three days, Harper has decided that walking is ok so he's just gonna go for it. In the previous weeks he has been comfortable walking from Mom to Dad and then back but apparently that wasn't cutting it. Now he just goes blazing off so condfidently marching himslf right over toys and books and Dad and then collapses when things get going a little too quickly.
Harper's first word was without a doubt, "hat." He closes his eyes and sort of picks up steam and then bursts with a "Hat!" He does all of the normal baby tricks, like "how big is Harper?" (both hands shoot to sky) and "Yay Yay, Clap Clap" (hands clapping). It seems like he's been fake sneezing and coughing for months now. That is a sight to see. His favorite books include Sheep in a Jeep (which he calls "Uh-Oh"). The books goes, "Sheep in a Jeep on a hill that's steep." Harper predicts the next page with "Uh Oh, The Jeep won't go." He only gets the Uh-Oh part for now. His favorite book of all time is Five Little Ducks. I've even tried beating him at his own game and reading it until he just can't stand it anymore. I have not found his breaking point yet. Neither MaryJo or myself can decipher what this means but as soon as you begin to read this book to him he looks straight into your eyes and makes the "brrrrr" sound. He does it so seriously like it's something you really need to know. "Brrr!" "BRRRR!" "Sheesh is anyone listening to me?"
He is not eating at night anymore. Five out of ten nights he sleeps from about 7:00 to about 7:00. If he does wake up I get to go into his bedroom and try to rock him back to sleep. He has a very very soft white Blankey that comforts him at night.
Unfortuntely his favorite toy bar none is the computer and the mouse. He would do anything to have five minutes with that keyboard. The sadest funniest thing that happens is, when he gets on his toes and starts grabbing for the mouse I say, "Harper, no no," and I go over and pick him up. He instantly begins sobbing, and shaking his head, no no. It's so damn cute, I end up laughing. I try not to but it's really hard.