A Moment to Gush About My Baby

10.18.2010 | |

Today Harper is exactly 5 1/2 years old. Five has been a big number for us. So much has happened since April. First, our baby boy learned how to swim this summer. We are so proud of the effort he puts into getting across the pool. His little body works so hard to get to the other side.
Then, in August Harper started Kindergarten. We prepared ourselves for a tough adjustment period, especially with Harper being in the Dual Language Program. Thankfully, it hasn't been tough at all. I know there will be bumps in the road along the way but our little man is off to a great start. Just yesterday he told me there were "siete dias de la semana"!
Just a couple weekends ago we took the training wheels off Harper's bike. Our neighbor started riding a two-wheeler and I think Harper was inspired. I never could have predicted this. Harper is such a cautious boy, I figured it would be years until he was ready. Again he surprised us. First he struggled to gain his balance, then he struggled with the weight of his bike. After he figured that out he quickly mastered stopping and starting on his own. Now he zooms around with his friends and has so much fun.
The other thing we've been working on is reading. After the first month of school Harper's teacher explained to me that she would like the kids to be able to read Level 1 books by the end of the school year and that Harper can currently read Level 2 books. I have to give credit to the book we are using. It definitely it accomplishes the task of teaching the basics of reading. Harper also gets some credit for his determination.
I know I sound like a super proud Mama. I am! This is our first time through all of this. There is so much mystery and excitement that goes on with having school aged children! We are definitely enjoying almost every minute of it.

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