Things They Say

11.03.2010 | |

If there was one thing I know I will regret, it's not writing down nearly everything that comes out of Harper and Rilke's mouth. Kids are so full of adorable phrases. Every mispronounced word and innocent thought is so precious. Here are a few from the past year...
Harper and Rilke

Harper opened his bedroom door for the first time ever (after being put to bed), peeked his head out and said "Mom, I think Rilke has to go pee pee on the potty." My hero!

Harper: "Mom, what's today? Is it Thursday or Tuesday or Threesday or Foursday or Elevensday?"

Right after Rilke got her hair cut, Harper said, "Oh my gosh Rilke you look so adorable! You look just like an old lady!"

Instead of saying "Winnie the Poo" Rilke says "Winnie the Poop" and the next day refers to the bear as "Doggie Poop".

Harper: "Her name can't be Jasmine, she's a girl, her name is Jazgirl."

Harper: "Mom! Rilke scratched me! My blood is leaking, it's just swimming out!!!"

I put pigtails in Rilke's hair and when they curl under and tickle her ears she gasps "Mom, there's a butterfly in my ear!"

Harper: "Mom, do all wishes come true? Last night I wished we would go to New York today and it didn't come true. (Tears in his eyes) I will make that wish again and maybe it will come true but if it doesn't I won't wish it anymore (sniff sniff). I will wish a different wish."

Harper said "Bo and Luke made a wrong landing in the General Lee. This is NPR News."

Rilke: "Mom, may I have some cereal with no thank you milk?"

Rilke looked up from her bowl of Cheerios across the table to Harper and said "Harper, you're my best friend." Then Harper said "Mom! Rilke just said I was her best friend! She's never said that before!!!"

After dropping Harper off at pre-school one morning, a sad Rilke said "Mom! My brother's gone! I feel so missed it. Where did he go?"

Rilke: “Harper, you’re my best sweetest!”
Harper: “Oh Rilke, that’s so sweet it makes me want to marry you! Don’t worry mom, that’s just an expression.”

Rilke: “I’m going to take everything to my birthday!”
Harper: “Rilke, you can’t take everything, just some things”
Rilke: “Can I take my teddy bear?”
Harper: “No. A bear would eat the whole cake. You can bring a puppy.”
Rilke: “Can I bring my pillow?”
Harper: “You can bring half of it.”
Rilke: “OK.”

Harper runs into our bedroom at 6:30 am and says “Mom, Dad, the moon is golden! Come look! I already thanked Jesus.”

Lastly, some of the words Rilke used to mispronounce. Sadly, she doesn't anymore...
Bruth the teeth, pacuz, foom instead of spoon, You thagot!, and referring to Grandma and Grandpa as “My Grandpa and Grandpa…”

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