16 Months

8.17.2006 | |

Harper will be 16 months old tomorrow. We celebrated by shaving his head. He has had a mohawk for a while and we thought it was time to try something new. Coincidently Josh just shaved his head, so again they are twins and it is so cute.

New Haircut

This summer we embarked on Harper's second big road trip. We drove from Georgia to New York and back again. Harper was such a sweetie the whole trip. Although Harper was still a bit shy, he managed to enjoy himself alone with Oma and Aunt Leah. It was so sweet to see him slowly start to appreciate all of the affection emanating from my lovely mom and sister. A few days into our trip Josh and I both noticed a change in Harper. He seemed to be getting older right before our eyes. He was becoming more observant and more particular by the day. Apparently Harper is on a learning growth spurt. For the past month he has picked up so many things. It's hard to keep up with it because it has happened so fast. For example Harper knows the sounds of about 10 animals, he has started stringing 2 or 3 words together, he can eat almost effortlessly with a fork, and he can recite several letters of the alphabet. He also understands so much more of what I say. He will correctly respond to so many requests like, please throw it in the garbage, put it in the washing machine, go get a book, please give it to Daddy, sit down on the couch, etc. Sometimes we'll say something not expecting him to understand and he does. I know it is so typical of a toddler to surprise you every day with their capacity to learn but I never expected to be this amazed.
Harper & Simon

Harper is currently obsessed with two things: Daddy's Moped and buttons. He spends all day trying to get a hand on the keyboard, cell phone, television, and dvd player. When he's not doing that he is telling me all about the Moped. He has the cutest routine in the morning. As soon as Josh gets his sneakers out Harper will say "Daddy! Scooter! Brrrmmmm! Buy Buy! Scotter! Scooter! Scooter! Brrrmmm!" He concienciously works on his pronuciation. For scooter he'll say "sssss-doe-doe", for fan he'll say "fffff-dan".
Harper is definatley a handful but everyday brings more fun and Josh and I are enjoying every minute of it.

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