Since our last post we quietly welcomed the New Year and a few days later Rilke had a minor strabismus surgery on her eyes (now they are perfect). A few weeks later we had a wonderful visit from my mom. We cooked so much yummy food, visited the botanical gardens, played in the freezing cold rain, and did our best to get months of catching up done in just a few days. Not long after we saw flurries in GA! The first time for us in three years and a pretty big deal for GA. We also had a wonderful visit from Stephanie (one of my best friends from high school). We endured some more freezing cold rain and just couldn't resist letting the kids jump around in the chilly muddy puddles. The visit was perfectly timed, a much needed distraction from missing Josh while he was in Texas.

The warmer weather is here and I can’t wait until I can take out the summer clothes for the kids. I am so excited to see Rilke in an itty bitty dress with little chubby thighs and bare feet and I am looking forward to hitting the pool again with Harper. Harper and I had so much fun swimming last summer that this year we might try swimming lessons.

Harper will be three next month and we are just amazed to see our little toddler turn into a sweet little boy who talks and asks questions non-stop. It’s really amazing to watch him learn. For example, Harper really pays attention to where I am driving these days. He knows the streets and once the car is pointed in a certain direction he will ask if we are going to drop off the recyclables, go to the YMCA, grocery shopping, the bank, FedEx, Post office, Book Store, Chrissy’s apartment, Amy’s house, the park, the car wash, etc. The other day we passed by Chase St., which takes us to Rt 129, which takes us to the lake. We haven’t been there in 8 months or so but when he saw the street he asked if we were going to the beach. I love moments like that where you can marvel at their sense of perception and memory.

Harper’s days are filled with Mommy, Rilke, and our friends we have here in Athens. We’ve had fun cooking together lately. I tried asking Harper to help me in the kitchen once and he was totally captivated by the process of measuring, pouring, and mixing. I try to let him help me when ever possible; at the very least I let him make me a cup of coffee in the afternoon. I am tickled by how serious he takes the task. He is completely immersed with pouring the water, scooping the coffee, sprinkling the cinnamon, pushing the button, adding sugar, tasting sugar, adding cream, stirring, and finally tossing the spoon in the sink. All in a days work!

When Josh gets home from school Harper’s world stops. He starts by saying “Daddy, What a surprise!!!” Then Daddy gets the biggest hug and kiss and is immediately asked to play Mr. Lightning McQueen, Does Harper like to eat, Look who’s coming, I’m stuck, Team down, Steam roller, and many, many other games they have invented together.

The above picture is at Discovery Place in Charlotte. One day during a wonderful trip to NC. Harper is still saying "No jumping on people Sadie" and "Vikii!!!! Use the doggie voice!"

Rilke is still the same boundless little girl she was months ago. She will still look at us with the most loving eyes. She bounces, kicks, rolls, squirms, and squeals with excitement. Above all, nobody can maker her smile and laugh like Harper.

About a month ago Rilke got her bottom two teeth. Since then we’ve started feeding her cereal. Trying to get the food in her mouth is absolutely comical. Sometimes she will lock her lips and spit bubbles entertaining herself as I go through my entire routine of trying to get her to taste some delicious oatmeal. Other times she is so excited about eating you’d think she was trying to catch a fast moving target. I’ll slowly approach her with the spoon and she’ll whip around, mouth wide open with enthusiasm, hands flailing trying to grab the spoon or the bowl. It has been a test of coordination and speed; I think we’re making progress.

She can roll over and wiggle enough to get her anywhere she wants to go. Rilke loves to put her feet in her mouth, especially if she has her shoes on. I love when she does that, it’s exactly what you picture silly sweet babies doing.

Other little habits that just melt me are when she plays with my hair, holds on to a handful of my shirt, nuzzles her sleepy little face into my shoulder, growls, and stomping her feet when she wakes up. My favorite little trick is when she whips off her hat. She’ll be wearing her winter hat for a long time and then all of a sudden she’ll get the idea that she wants it off. Then she reaches up her hand grabs on to a handful of hat and whips it off so fast. She’s left looking at me with this unruly wild wispy hair. I can’t resist sneaking the hat back on her head just to watch the whole sequence unfold again.

Wishing everyone a wonderful spring! Miss you all!