Harper is Two!

4.20.2007 | |

Harper w/ Dads Shoes
One year ago we were here in Athens celebrating Harper’s first birthday with my mom, sisters, and Harper’s cousin. It was such a wonderful time and I still feel like it was yesterday. But one whole year has passed and it’s amazing what has happened. Harper has grown into such a little person. He talks to us all day long and we constantly get to overhear him singing songs and reciting his favorite books. Harper absolutely loves to be outside. We try to go the park every day that we can and although he enjoys the swing and the slide we think he likes to tell us about them more than actually use them. Either way he has plenty to do there, especially when he finds a nice long stick which makes a perfect golf club to practice his swing in the wood chips. He loves to climb around the jungle gym and because Harper is so sweet and a bit shy he spends a lot of time dodging other toddlers as they zoom around.
It’s somewhat comforting to see that Harper hasn’t changed at all in some ways. His favorite things to do are still reading, singing, and golfing. He still runs to the window every morning and waves to Daddy as he leaves for work, he still gets really annoyed when our neighbors do anything noisy like using a saw, leaf blower, lawn mower, etc, and most of all green blanket is still numero uno!
Harper also has some new interests. He loves playing the piano and we think Julie Andrews may be his hero. We had a feeling he might like Marry Poppins and it is by far his favorite movie. Aside from Baby Einstein World Animals it’s the only movie he requests.
Harpers Cake
We celebrated Harper’s 2nd birthday with cake, presents, and a trip to The Interactive Neighborhood for Kids. It’s a make believe neighborhood for children that includes a grocery store, vet, doctor’s office, beauty salon, dentist office, library, bank, theater, etc. Every thing is child size and in the center of it all is a really great jungle gym.
Harper & Dad - Bday
Harper at INK
Although Harper didn’t really grasp it was his birthday he definitely realized the day was special. We all had so much fun and it was such a happy day.


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